Events: In-Person
- Upcoming Events
- Events: In-Person
Displaying 1 - 10 of 86 events
Greenup County Master Gardeners Monthly Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeMaster Gardeners monthly meetings on the 4th Monday of each month at the Extension Office at 6:00PM
Greenup County Quilt Guild Monthly Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeQuilt Guild monthly meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each at 10:00AM
Ashland Area Woodcarvers Meetings
- Greenup County Extension OfficeAshland Area Woodcarvers meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Extension Office at 5:00PM.
Greenup County Youth Livestock Committee Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeYouth Livestock Committee (YLC) monthly meetings 1st Thursday of each month at the Extension Office at 6:00PM.
4-H Ukulele Club Meeting
- Greenup County Extension Office4-H Ukulele Club monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Extension Office at 5:00PM.
Greenup County Quilters--Sit and Sew
- Greenup County Extension OfficeQuilters Sit and Sew at 9:00AM at the Extension Office
Ashland Area Woodcarvers Meetings
- Greenup County Extension OfficeAshland Area Woodcarvers meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Extension Office at 5:00PM.
Greenup County Beekeepers Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeThe Greenup County Beekeepers monthly meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM at the Extension Office.
Greenup County Master Gardeners Monthly Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeMaster Gardeners monthly meetings on the 4th Monday of each month at the Extension Office at 6:00PM
Greenup County Quilt Guild Monthly Meeting
- Greenup County Extension OfficeQuilt Guild monthly meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each at 10:00AM
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